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Stages When an Acne Appears

Acne is an annoying skin problem that can interfere with self-confidence, plus a acne scars which are difficult to erase. Know the stages of the appearance of acne so it can be more easily handled.

Acne commonly appears on the face, neck, back and chest. Stages of acne also determine weather or not an inflammation and pain that appears are severe.

If the acne is still at an early stage, the treatment tends to be easy. According eHow, there were several stages when acne appears as follows:

Stage 0
This stage means that there are small signs of acne and really do not need to worry about, including the emergence of a small pimple. This condition can subside within 1-2 days, unless there are signs that the acne is getting larger.

Stage 1
This is the beginning stages of acne usually begins with whiteheads. Some white spots are seen on the face, especially at the tip of the nose, angle of nose and below lips. This condition does not cause inflammation, but a few days later would come the black dot in the area. If someone remove it in a way that is not sterile, then there will be an opportunity for acne to develop further.

Stage 2
At this stage, mild inflammation will be seen which typically is accompanied by papules. Papules are lesions (sores), skin slightly enlarged but at a small size and dense. This condition is also known as mild acne, if it can be given good treatment, than the acne can be controlled.

Stage 3
In this stage papules on the skin has started to grow and looks inflamed. This medication usually should require medical assistance.

Stage 4
Acne that appears already turned into pastules. Basically this pastules contains pus, appear inflamed and there is a kind of white tip. If you have reached this stage, acne should not be squeezed.

Stage 5
If skin problems are not controlled, it can enter the severe stage. Wadding (nodule) will start to appear during this phase. Pastules develops in the face that contain pus, dead skin cells, white blood cells, bacteria and sebum. This inflamed lumps that can spread to the deeper parts of the skin and cause pain.

Stage 6
At this stage, the skin will look red and blood can arise from the acne. This stage lead to infection and increase the potential for the next acne.

Stage 7
In this stage the drug is needed to help clean up all the lumps (nodules) and pimples containing pus. This treatment should be done by a dermatologist so that the acne is more restrained and does not develop further.

Stage 8
This condition is one of the stages of healing acne where one can see the scar or dots of acne scars. To eliminate this, special care needed for acne scars to avoid permanent scarring.

There are several things that can cause acne, which are hormonal fluctuations, overactive oil glands, heredity, seasonal factors, consumption of caffeine, smoking, pregnancy, stress factors, and lack of care for the skin.

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