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Iron is the Most Important Nutrition for Diet

A slim and healthy body is every woman’s dream. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many drugs and slimming treatments sold in the market. Some women choose a diet with their own ways. However, many times they are mistaken and actually lead them to health problems rather than a slim body. Diet is not prohibited, but must be done correctly and one should pay attention to nutritional intake in addition to doing regular exercises.

One important nutrients that should not be left in a diet is iron, because this substance which is much contained in spinach is very important for the metabolism of the body, especially women. In fact, a laboratory test showed that with adequate iron intake during a diet, your metabolism will run faster. That means burning calories faster, so you drop weight faster too.

Iron in the blood is a “carrier agent” of oxygen from lungs to the entire body and are needed for women, especially during menstruation and pregnancy. A woman aged 19-54 years old require iron intake of about 12 to 16 milligrams. While pregnant women are required to take 10-20 milligrams of iron. For women above 54 years old should consume 5-7 milligrams of iron daily.

Then, how can we maintain the supply of iron in the body without losing appetite? Do not worry, iron are not only contained in spinach, but also in some types of fruit and vegetables.

If you’re doing a low-carb diet and consume potatoes, then the potatoes skins actually contains iron. Now, if your primary carbohydrate comes from bread, you should choose whole wheat breads. Wheat bread contains high fiber, antioxidants, phytoestrogens to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer, vitamins, minerals and iron.

Tea is actually good for diet drinks, especially if the tea that you consume is green tea or black tea. However, to keep the supply of iron in the body, avoid consuming too much tea, because the tannin content in tea is an inhibitor of iron absorption.

To maintain the supply of iron, even though you’re in a diet, you should not avoid meat because meat contains a lot of iron. Beef, chicken and fish saves a bunch of iron your body needs. The key is to eat in the right portions. However, if you choose to avoid red meat intake, you can also get iron from oysters.

Not only known as a food drive sexual desire, oyster is rich in iron content of 4.7 milligrams of iron per gram. Besides spinach, you can get iron from nuts. 100 grams of nuts contains between 8-17 percent protein, iron (1-5 mg) and calcium (14-102 mg). If you do not like soy beans in its original form, have processed products such as tofu.

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