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Legendary ship Greenpeace Calls for Thailand to "Against the Flow"

Greenpeace's legendary Rainbow Warrior ship tour "Turn the Tide" (Reversed Flow) in the port of Bangkok, as the initial two and a half month trip in Southeast Asia to promote a greener future and peace.

Greenpeace is calling on the Thai government to live a green development path, to make a paradigm shift in technology, innovation policy and a new solidarity between social classes and generations.

Tour of "Turn the Tide 'to coincide with the commemoration of 10 years of Greenpeace official presence in Southeast Asia - who at that time marked by the first Rainbow Warrior tour to the region.

During the last 10 years Greenpeace has documented the dramatic increase in levels of toxic chemicals in the various canals, rivers and the bay area of Thailand, and examine the air quality in the industrial area of this country.

In this period also continued to arrive reporting health problems in communities that are directly affected by industrial toxic waste in areas such as Mae-Moh until the Map Tha Put.

"Today was going debate in Thailand to tighten control over pollution and underscore the importance of leaving the approach of 'business as usual' (business as usual), which has resulted in dramatic environmental damage and significant health problems in society. The government of Thailand had the chance to lay the foundation for more environmentally friendly economy, "said Von Hernandez, Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, in his press statement sent to okezone in Jakarta, Sunday (09/19/2010).

Tour the Rainbow Warrior: Turn The Tide is going to promote and demonstrate the appropriate solutions as well as uncover any behaviors in order to avoid catastrophic climate change. In Thailand, the ship will participate in a solidarity action with local communities, community and other NGOs to highlight the importance of environmentally friendly development.

"Rainbow Warrior is a symbol of positive change and representatives from community action for the future of a more clean, green and peaceful. This is the fifth Rainbow Warrior visit to Thailand in the last 10 years, and we were very impressed to see the rapid increase public awareness of the gross development rejection in Thailand. We're really looking forward to participate in activities planned by the community in Nakhon Si Thamarrat, Surathani, Koh Samu, Chumpon and Prachuan Kirikhan. Behaviour 'business as usual' is not an option, "said Derek Nicholls, Captain Rainbow Warrior.

Greenpeace is urging the Thai government to reverse the flow of dirty development into environmentally friendly development are:

1. Increasing investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by stopping subsidies to fossil fuels, nuclear project and the energy industry incentives;

2. Cleaning the Chao Phraya river with clear deadlines to reduce, suspend and terminate ultimate disposal of hazardous chemicals in all of Thailand's water resources;

3. Adopt national policies to promote sustainable agriculture in Thailand by banning all genetically modified foods and to stop all subsidies to fertilizer and chemical pesticides in Thailand;

4. Implementing a strict set of policies to protect and stop deforestation, and stop the policies and projects that have the potential to destroy forests and biodiversity.

With the Rainbow Warrior tour: "Turn The Tide" Greenpeace is calling on ASEAN countries to encourage foreign investment and adopting green building low-carbon economic growth for the future.

This tour marks the 10th year in the presence of Greenpeace Southeast Asia campaigns for forest protection, energy revolution, promoting sustainable agriculture, as well as to stop water pollution.

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