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Bridal Style Henna Tattoo - Full Back Hand Henna Pattern

Here is a photo of bridal style henna tattoo. This is a full back hand henna pattern that took about half an hour to finish.

The design actually started above the wrist with the floral cuff, then moved down to the back of the hand, and finally to the fingers.

From this angle, it is easy to see the peacock built into the pattern, so the wearer gets to enjoy the lovely bird.

The viewer will notice the floral cuff first, and then the eye will be drawn down the hand to the tip of the fingers.

This pattern was created by drawing a series of shapes that were then outlined and finally filled in with traditional mehndi components to give a full hand tattoo.

The use of negative space is very important when creating free hand henna designs. A bit of space between design elements catches the eye.

In my experience, when I forget to use negative space, my tattoos seem cluttered, visually busy, or it's just plain hard to see what I drew. I hope you find this little note helpful.

For more information about drawing henna tattoo, there are wonderful live videos on this blog. Check the labels to the right of this post to find one you like. Namaste.

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