Through the Harley-Davidson 2007 Sportster lansiran typical nuanced ethnic Javanese culture, the iron horse was able to dive in the event of modification Cool Breaker 2010 in Yokohama, Japan.
Is Lulut Puspo Wibowo, the brain behind the establishment of such ethnic HD. "I mix all forms of material and the decorative arts crafts typical of Javanese culture by adopting the concept of 'Back To Own Culture'," explained the man who is familiarly called these LT in an electronic mail received okezone.
He mentioned, in building this bike first conducted research and field data collection, such as a visit to a batik museum, museum Sonobudoyo, Train Museum Kraton, the Kraton of Yogyakarta Sultanate, Prambanan Temple, to study the various Javanese literature.
The concept of "Back to Own Culture" that later he was translated in all parts of the motor without a blemish. For example, paint-inspired motifs Jlamprang batik, batik motifs motives kawung Truntum and the middle tank.
While on the outside of the tank deliberately made emblems of a thick brass plate stamped motifs machete Damaged by engraving. Inserted on the motor frame strip paint decoration adapted from one of her motive motive Kraton golden wheels.
At the touch of machines also do not miss the nuances of Java dikreasikan with metal sculpture or craft Prambanan represent artefacts, combined with typical creations Classic Retro cycles.
Cover air filter is also made of brass in carved with motifs carved ornament "Kalamakara". This motif describes a giant fanged, wide-eyed, dreadlocked and usually placed in sacred places. The same motif also appears in the seat leather.
Tank cap is made with a shape and a lotus flower motif with brass material. Handlebars very unique design also referred to by the artist as "Sungu Kebo" or the Horn of Buffalo. This idea was taken from Buffalo Horn of Java which has, in terms of Java "Sungu" a description of the real life of farmers in Java & Indonesia.
Even more incredibly, the creation of LT motors that have the full support of the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as the first custom motorcycles in Southeast Asia who was invited specifically to participate in the international arena.
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